Monday, March 10, 2008

[ch 1-11 of Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse]

Knowing I'll be out of state in less than four days is doing wonders for my concentration. This week, I can't help looking at everything as a To Do list, and as soon as I finish everything on it, I get to board a plane. It's a long To Do list, and it's hard to care about any of it right now.

For my Creative Writing class, I have a 12-20 page story due today. Mine's 17 and a couple lines. It's about assassins. Well, it's about a small assassin agency that's also an independent publishing firm (their cover). I cut it off at 17 pages, because a new character was getting introduced, and, really, no one in that class needs to read over 20 pages. There wasn't a good place to cut it off within three or four places at all, so I faked a lame ending. I feel like I need an author's note on the end or something, to explain that away.

The midterm for Post-Colonial Lit is today. I kind of studied. I'm not that worried, since it's predominately an essay test. You can BS your way through any essay test as long as you know how to write. Plus, the material we've covered so far isn't at all complicated. It an interesting class, I'm just used to 3- and 400 level English classes now.

Spanish is just Spanish still. The first paper for film was due last week, thank God, so I don't have to worry about it now. And in this class, I just have to read Stuck Rubber Baby and worry about the mini-comic. Since we're covering the same section on Wednesday, I'm not completely through it for today. I'm a little bored by it, too. I'm not a fan of historical fiction. I never have been. I always thought the American Girl historical books were so awful. I like history, and I like fiction, but the two together? No. Not my cup of tea.

I'm working with Matt (K) for the mini-comic, and his idea is really cool. We got some basic shots of bars, alcohol, kids talking, and Matt pretending to be a bum on Saturday. I have some fairly intensive graphics work to do for it tonight. I've been trying to work on it the past couple days, but I've been so swamped it's been impossible. It looks like it's going to all come together really well, and we should be completely done or at least mostly done by Break. It'll be nice to have one less thing to worry about.

Oh, and Daylight Savings Time?

By the way, has anyone else noticed that one of the suggest labels/tags is "scooters?" What the hell?

1 comment:

Pat said...

I hate to be an ass, but since we're all English majors here, I feel compelled to tell you:

I think you meant "their," not "they're."